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Learning watercolor painting can be frustrating…
But It Doesn’t Have to Be

 Does this sounds like you?

  1. I don’t know what I should focus on to take the next step forward
  2. I have plateaued in my progress
  3. My paintings often seem amateurish and incomplete
  4. I spend time trying to correct or fix my paintings rather than painting them right from the start
  5. I feel like I am learning alone


I had these exact feelings and struggles as a self-taught watercolor artist. After slowly progressing through trial and error, I wanted to put together a community that would help students learn faster and in a more supportive and encouraging way.  


Watercolor Community

Here's why you'll love Watercolor Community...

Know What to do Next

Each member can access the Watercolor Sucess Path. WCSP is a proven system to help you learn where you are at in your learning process and give you milestones and steps to help you reach the next level. 

Learn As You Paint

Members may submit their paintings to be included in a video critique. I give each artist positive and constructive feedback as well as focus areas to improve the painting.

Learn By Watching

I create a new full length demonstration each month. In addition you have access to the entire collection to watch as many times as you want. The library includes over 50 hours of instruction.

Time Is On Your Side

Learn at your own pace! You have unlimited access to all the materials in the community and may return to it is as often as needed.

Connect With Your People

Watercolor Community includes a private online community. This is a safe, accepting alternative to social media. A place to ask any question, show your work, find inspiration, discuss supplies and give and receive encouragement from like minded artists. 

Hi, I'm Matthew White

- watercolor artist, instructor and founder of Watercolor Community

Below is a comparison between an older painting of mine and a more recent one. Can you see a difference? :)

My goal with Watercolor Community is teach you everything I learned between these two paintings!


"I love the calm, steady, encouragement that accompanies Matthew's teachings and personal critique of student's artwork. It IS a community, not just an isolated online class space."


"I feel Matt understands the struggles with this media and has such a wonderful way of presenting watercolors that make it fun to learn and takes risks."


"The tutorials introduce techniques and concepts in a very accessible manner. Fun, challenging and confidence building: I see progress in my painting and can understand better how to produce the painting I want!"

Thomas Schaller - AWS, NWS

"A painter as skilled and confident as Matthew invites you in and allows you to see your world through their eyes. His work is clean, clear and direct, but it is deceptively complex as well. By so honestly sharing the story of his life, we can begin to recognize our own."

So what exactly do I get?

Watercolor Community is built on four pillars.

Library of Tutorials

Watercolor Success Path

Painting Critiques 

Online Community

An exclusive library of tutorials

When you join Watercolor Community you get INSTANT access to a collection of over 30 full length, real time demonstration videos. This is my most in-depth teaching that's created exclusively for Watercolor Community.

You'll See Everything (In real-time)

In each demonstration video I show my palette, my brushes, painting and reference photo. These are real-time demonstrations in which I explain each step along the way. I have customized these videos to optimize learning.

In addition:

- I provide a download of the reference photo and my drawing

- You can watch the videos as many times as you would like

-You can leave questions and comments below each video


New Content Each Month

The Watercolor Community Library includes over 30 demonstrations and I add a new one each month!

A Path To Success

Each member gets access to the Watercolor Success Path. WCSP is a proven system to help you learn where you are at in your learning process and give you milestones and steps to help you reach the next level. 

Take The Mystery Out Of Learning

There are four stages of the Watercolor Success Path and you are in one of them right now whether you realize it or not! Once you determine which stage you are in, I provide you a collection of resources to help climb all the way to the Creative Freedom Stage

Receive Direct Feedback

Member's have the option of submitting their paintings to be included in a group critique video. This is a powerful way to speed up your learning. Member's have found these videos beneficial even if they don't have a painting included in the video. 

Join An Encouraging, Safe, Artist Community

Watercolor Community includes a private online community. This is a safe, accepting alternative to social media. A place to ask any question, show your work, find inspiration, discuss supplies and give and receive encouragement from like minded artists. 



"I used to struggle, but with Matt’s brilliant teaching, I have come on leaps and bounds and I have found confidence in myself and my art."


"I find all the material so generous, especially the monthly tutorials. Matthew gives so many insights about light and shadow, color, shapes, brush strokes, water and how to paint. It really gives me direction while painting."


"I would recommend the Watercolor Community to anyone at any level of their training. Matthew's ability to breakdown and simplify complex processes or compositions is his gift that he shares with this community."

Watercolor Community is Guaranteed to help you...

  • Learn faster with step-by-step lessons
  • Paint like you always dreamed of
  • Gain the support of myself and the entire Watercolor Community

I only want you to pay if you LOVE your Watercolor Community experience. If it's not for you simply reach out to me within 30 days of your purchase for a full refund.

Video Poster Image

You can paint the way you always dreamed of!

You have what it takes to do this, you just need some guidance along the way.

Also, don’t forget that when you join Watercolor Community you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 30 days to get plugged into the community, implement the strategies, and take action on all that you learned and THEN decide if it’s right for you.

I'll see you there!

-Matthew White