Learn The 5 Steps To Successful Painting
(even if you are a beginner)

This in-depth checklist is designed to help you plan out a successful painting.
Learn how to:
- Pick the right subject
- Compose the scene
- What to paint first, second and third...
And much more!
Download your FREE guide:
Click here!"I used to struggle, but with Matt’s brilliant teaching, I have come on leaps and bounds and I have found confidence in myself and my art."
- Mark
"Thank you for making this available. It's very helpful!"
- Ray
"Matt’s lessons are very helpful to watercolor artists at any level. He is a gifted artist and an excellent instructor!"
- Reed

Knowing When You're Done
One of my early struggles in learning to paint was overworking my paintings. I would start out with a clear idea of what I wanted the painting to be, but I would often end up including way too many details.
Watercolor can be an unforgiving medium. It's not easy to create a fresh painting. Finding the balance between intentional, well thought out work and free, expressive brush marks can be challenging.
This guide will help you be more mindful throughout your process and create fresh, powerful paintings.

Do not paint another painting until you watch this video.
(Free Today)