What Is Negative Painting and Why Is It A Crucial Skill In Watercolor Painting?

Sep 01, 2021

One of the more challenging parts of painting watercolor is that we have to paint in reverse - from lightest to darkest - and we really have to think through the stages of a painting before we set out to work. 

One skill that can elevate your work is negative painting. 

Negative painting is using shapes around another shape to define that shape. So instead of painting an object, we're defining the object by painting the shapes around that object. Not only is negative painting essential to painting in reverse, but it also offers a looseness and imperfection that contributes to the look of a painting.


And before you leave - I wanted to mention that I have a free video lesson: Eight Tips to Avoid Overworking your Painting that is available to you. To access it, you can follow the link below or on my Instagram bio. I would love to hear what you think of the lesson!

Keep painting, keep practicing and moving forward! See you next time!



Stop Overworking Your Paintings!

Watch my FREE Video Lesson 7 Secrets of Fresh, Powerful Painting.

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