5 Tips For Better Practice
Jun 02, 2021As a father of two with a full-time job, painting often has to fit into a small window of time, so I have had to develop some strategies to maximize my time. Knowing that many of you probably face similar obstacles, I want to share five tips that will help you feel inspired and ready to go when you do have time to paint.
- Pick out what you’re going to paint ahead of time.
I can't tell you how many times I wasted a good chunk of my painting time trying to decide what to paint. So, when I have a small window of time during the day – say five minutes - I'll scroll through my reference photos and choose my next subject or scene.
When you make this choice beforehand, you are gifting yourself time later on. Often, I feel less pressure when I make this decision before my painting time starts. Doing it this way gives me something to look forward to and more time to think about my approach to my painting.
- Draw a thumbnail sketch.
Once you know what you’re going to paint, take a few minutes to sketch a version of your painting that is a few inches wide. While you draw, maybe you're thinking about composition. Maybe you're thinking about the values in your scene.
Whatever your focus is, you’ll be way ahead of the game if you show up for your painting time and you’ve already done some prep work.
- Have your Supplies Ready to Go.
It may seem small, but I know for me, if my studio is ready for me, I am more likely to show up. If I have to do something like tear paper down to size before I start, it feels like an obstacle, especially after a long day.
So, fill up your water ahead of time. Have your paper in order. Make sure clean brushes are waiting for you. If you don't have a dedicated painting space, do what you can: maybe make sure that your paper is taped down to a surface so that part is out of the way. Anything that you can do beforehand so that they no longer feel like obstacles to you makes it easier for you to ease into your practice.
- Have a clear transition into your painting time.
It can be tough, when you're busy with life, to flip a switch into creativity. It can often be difficult for me to feel inspired and ready to go as an artist when I’ve had a stressful or chaotic day. But I have found that If I take a couple of minutes to just nudge my mind into the creative world, it helps me to really pause and focus on my art.
Turn on some music that you enjoy, maybe flip through an art book that you like, do a short meditation or journaling session. Do something that marks the space between your responsibilities and your creative expression.
This intentional transition between normal life and your painting time can be the difference between showing up or not showing up to your easel. You may have times when you are not feeling inspired or motivated to paint, but if you start to think about the painting or dip your toe into an artistic space, this might shift.
- Be intentional about your mindset.
For me, being mindful of my thoughts comes down to what is constructive for me. Some people like to practice affirmations to keep them motivated, and others are disciplined about what they don’t allow themselves to think about.
I find it important before I start a painting to not think about the business of being an artist. I try not to think about Instagram or who might see my painting when I’m done. I recommend doing your best to get lost in the process: try to enjoy mixing the paint, applying the paint on the paper, expressing through your brushstrokes, exploring a composition. Just celebrate this thing that you love and try to be present to the process.
Try these out and see how they might help. If you're planning ahead, being intentional about transitioning into your painting time, and directing your thoughts in a positive direction, this could really make a difference for you.
One more thing - if you haven't had a chance to watch my video that addresses 8 Tips to Avoid Overworking Your Painting, check it out! I am excited about this content and have loved hearing your feedback on it.