What to Draw Before You Paint

Sep 08, 2021

When you place pencil to paper to start your drawing, do you ask yourself: “What do I need my drawing to be in order to help me paint this in the most effective way?” This is what I keep at the forefront of my mind when I start my process. 

The drawing phase of paintings can lead you in the right direction, or it can misdirect or distract you from the vision you have for your painting. 

Some common ways this can happen are:

  • You produce an overly rendered drawing that makes you feel too restrained when you start painting.
  • You draw familiar subjects how you imagine them to be rather than how they actually are.
  • You give each object in your painting the same level of detail.

I have made all of these mistakes before and have some ways to help you avoid them.

Check out my video for some strategies and insight into the drawing phase of watercolor painting.

Also -  I wanted to mention, if you haven't seen my free video lesson, Eight Tips to Avoid Overworking Your Painting, take a look at it! You can follow the link below or you can get to it in my bio on Instagram. I've gotten some great feedback from this video lesson, and I would love to hear from you too if it helps you to solve this problem of overworking your painting. 


Keep moving forward. Keep practicing and keep learning!


Stop Overworking Your Paintings!

Watch my FREE Video Lesson 7 Secrets of Fresh, Powerful Painting.

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