One surefire way to see improvements in your watercolor paintings is to work the practice of isolated skills into your painting schedule. Instead of always approaching your easel with the idea of finishing a complete watercolor scene, schedule time where you can focus in on specific subjects or...
Paint Less to Learn More
You've heard it said that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill. And I'm not challenging that - not exactly.
Reaching the painting goals you have and seeing the kind of progress you want doesn't come easy or quickly, but the pathway there is not only about the...
If you're interested in landscape painting, you'll need to know how to integrate and fully render trees and foliage. So today, I am going to demonstrate the process I used to paint the tree featured in this painting.
Integrating Trees in Your Watercolor Scene
Focusing in on...
Learning what is happening on your paper and the timing of your watercolor process makes all the difference!
This is what today's video is all about - mastering the timing necessary to paint a beautiful sky!
How to Paint This Sky
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Animals are not a mainstay in my paintings. I don't always gravitate toward them. But this scene grabbed my attention, and I really wanted to take on this subject.
So, I grabbed the opportunity by the horns (pun intended), pushed myself outside of my comfort zone, and painted it.
When every part of your watercolor has the same emphasis, you really end up emphasizing nothing.
To avoid this, you first have to understand the role that each part of your painting plays. Today, we're going to talk about the different treatment of the background, foreground, and middle ground...
When we put too much detail in the background of our scene, we compete with the rest of our painting. We pull attention away from our main ideas in the other parts of the scene.
Today, I'm going to show you how minimizing, simplifying, and softening the background in your painting...
Learn to Paint this Colorado Landscape
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What Supplies Do You Need to Paint This Landscape?
Today I show you step-by-step how to paint this scene. I discuss values, timing, and color mixing.
I am painting on Saunders Waterford Cold Press 140lb paper, and I have my...